The Company Profile page allows Mobile Forms Administrators to view and edit current information for a company. You can also modify selected configurations and features. Navigate to Admin > Company Profile to access the Company Profile page.
The Company Information tab displays the current information for your company in the Field2Base system.
A. Company Name - You cannot edit the Company Name. Please contact your Account Manager if you need to change your Company Name.
B. Company ID - The unique identifier for your company. You cannot change the Company ID.
C. Creation Date - The date your Field2Base account was created.
D. Primary Admin - The primary administrator for your Field2Base account. This information is used by our Support Team as the primary contact regarding any issues that may occur for your company. You can select a different primary admin and click the Save button if you need to update this information.
E. Professional Services Hours Available - The current Professional Services hours you have on your account. Please read the Professional Services Overview article to find out more about the Professional Services offered by Field2Base. - You can click the View History button to view details on purchased and used hours. You can also download a CSV or PDF record of your Professional Services history from the History page.
- Click the E-Mail Professional Services button if you wish to purchase Professional Services hours or start a new project with the PS team.
Note: The Professional Services team typically logs hours daily by the close of business day so your available hours should be up to date on a daily basis.
The Mobile Forms Information tab displays product information for your company.
A. License Tier - Displays the current License Tier for your company. Please contact your Account Manager if you have questions about your acount.
B. Features & Products – Displays which Field2Base products are enabled for your account. The Features & Products Available section shows additional products that may be available. Please contact your Account Manager if you have questions about any of the additional features and products.
C. Account Manager – The name of your Field2Base Account Manager. For your convenience, you can click the E-Mail Your Sales Rep Today! button to send an email to your Account Manager directly from the Portal.
D. Mobile Forms Product Suite - Indicates which type of product suite is available to your Users. The options are:
- Mobile Forms App Store (default) - Users can install the Mobile Forms app from the App Store or Play Store.
- Mobile Forms Enterprise - Users must install the Enterprise build of Mobile Forms and will not be allowed to install the app from the App Store.
- No Restriction - Users can install either version.
E. Activation Limit - Displays the maximum number of devices that can be assigned to a single User. For example, a User could install the app on 5 different devices and use 5 licenses (1 per device). The default limit is 5. Mobile Forms Administrators have the ability to change the Activation Limit by entering a new limit and clicking on Save.
F. Prevent Demo Account Creation for My Users - Checking this box will prevent any current Users on your company from accidentally creating Demo accounts through the App Store when trying to install the Mobile Forms app. This is enabled by default for companies created after 9/26/2023.
System Settings
The System Settings tab allows Mobile Forms Administrators to view and edit the current Field2Base System Settings for their company.
A. Sent Form Dispatch Retention Period (not editable) – Displays how long your Sent Forms are saved in the Field2Base system. Contact your Account Manager for details and any associated costs if you want to change your Retention Period. The custom timeframe is shown in days.
B. Purge Pending Workflow Items (not editable) – If checked, enforces the Sent Form Dispatch Retention Period for Forms pending in Workflow. Default is unchecked.
C. Password Policy Settings Enabled – Check to enable a Password Policy for your Company. Enabled by default for new Companies.
- Days Until Password Expires – Enter the number of days until passwords need to be reset. Default is 0 (no limit).
- Minimum Password Length – Enter the minimum required password length. Default is 8.
- Password Requires Mixed Case – Check if password requires upper and lower case. Default is checked.
- Password Requires Digits – Check if password requires numbers. Default is checked.
- Password Requires Symbols – Check if password requires symbols. Default is unchecked.
- Force Password Change on First Login – Check if password should be reset when a User first logs in. Default is Not Required.
D. Require E-Mail Addresses for Usernames – Requires Usernames to be E-Mail Address. Default is checked.
E. Limit Failed User Account Login Attempts – Login to Portal will lock for 5 minutes after the specified number of failed attempts by default. The default limit is 5 attempts but you can change the limit to 3 attempts if desired. Default is checked.
F. Region Edit Mode Web App – Changes the way Regions function in Web App. Options are Inline or Popup. Default is Inline.
G. Region Edit Mode Workflow – Changes the way Regions function in Workflow edit. Options are Inline or Popup. Default is Inline.
H. Allow Restarting of Forms Completed in Workflow – Check to allow Workflow Admins to restart a Workflow for a Form that has been completed and exited Workflow. Default is unchecked.
I. Enable Auto-Cancel of Pending Forms in Workflow - Check to set a time period (in days) to automatically cancel pending Forms in Workflow. Default is unchecked. Once you have enabled this setting for your company, you will see an additional option to Edit Workflow Auto-Cancel Setting under Select an Action for individual Form Templates if you want to set different time periods per Form.
Note: Once you set a time period, all pending Forms in Workflow past that period will be cancelled.
J. Enable Notes in Workflow - Uncheck if you do not want Workflow Administrators to add custom notes to pending Forms in Workflow. Default is checked.
K. Lock User Details in My Profile – Check if you do not want to allow your Users to edit their User details (including username and email address) themselves. Users will still be able to change their passwords. Default is unchecked.
L. Enable Save to PDF Option in Web App - Uncheck if you do not want your Users to download a PDF of a Form from Web App. Default is checked.
M. Allow Work Orders to be Downloaded as a PDF - Check if you want your Users to download a PDF of a Work Order from the Portal. Default is unchecked.
N. Enable the Create and Edit Work Order (Fields) Options - Check if you want to use the legacy method (using fields without the Form background) to create and edit Work Orders. Default is unchecked.
O. Display Region Filters by Default in the Work Orders section's Table - Uncheck if you do not want Region Filters displayed by default in the Work Orders table. Default is checked.
P. Disable the View Recipients Option in Web App - Check if you want to hide the View Recipients column for Sent Forms under Web App. Default is unchecked.
Q. Require Personnel IDs to be Unique - Check if you want to prevent Users from using the same Personnel ID as an existing User in your company. Default is unchecked.
R. Single Sign On (SSO) Settings - Displays whether you have single sign on enabled for the Portal. You can refer to the article on Single Sign On (SSO) Settings for details on implementing SSO for your company.
Default is "Standard". S. Workflow Failure Contact – Allows you to choose a User or Group of Users to receive a notification email anytime a Form fails in Workflow and is in an Error state.
This Configurations tab displays the current configurations for your company or for an individual User. You can update the company-wide or User specific configurations from this page. Details on each of these configurations is available in the article on
Custom Configurations.
API Sync Key (optional)
The API Sync Key tab is only visible if you have the API Key Management feature enabled. An API Sync Key is a unique identifier that allows Users with the appropriate permissions to make web service calls to the Field2Base API.
Warning: If you have an existing API Sync Key, generating a new key will cause any services using the old key to no longer be authorized. You will need to update existing web service calls to use your new key.