Workflow Admin

Workflow Admin


Workflow Administrators can view and manage Forms that have entered a Workflow. Navigate to Workflow > Admin to access the Workflow Admin page. Please read the article on Introduction to Workflows for more general information on Field2Base Workflows.

Retention Period

Forms completed in Workflow are kept for a limited amount of time. This retention period varies by company. The retention period and last available date for your completed Forms is displayed at the top of the page. Please contact your Account Manager if you want to change your retention period.

Tutorial Video

A tutorial video is also available and covers most of this material.

Viewing Forms in Workflow

The Workflow Admin page will display all submitted Forms that have entered Workflow. You can download the list of Forms currently displayed by clicking on the Excel or CSV button at the bottom of the page or the Export button at the top.

You can sort the list by clicking on the desired column header. The default view shows all Forms submitted to Workflow in the past month but you can use the filters to modify your list as needed.
  1. Form Title - If Region values are part of a Form's title, you can use this filter to find Forms by Region values. The Form Title is set as part of the Form design process. If a Workflow was restarted at any point, you will see an icon next to the Form Title.

  1. REF# - The unique Reference Number associated with each Form submitted to Field2Base. The Reference Number remains constant during all workflow and integration stages.
  2. Last Modified Date - The default is for the past month. 
  3. Status - Current status in Workflow. Possible Statuses are:
    1. New - Form has just entered Workflow. This is a temporary status that generally only lasts a few seconds.
    2. Processing Started - Form is currently moving from one Workflow step to another. This is a temporary status that generally only lasts a few seconds.
    3. In Process - Form is currently moving from one Workflow step to another. This is a temporary status that generally only lasts a few seconds.
    4. Pending Tablet Edit - Form is assigned to a User and available under My Work on the Mobile Forms app.
    5. Under Review - Form has been assigned to a User or Group and is awaiting review in their Workflow Queue.
    6. Cancelled - Workflow process for this Form has been cancelled by either an Administrator or as part of the Workflow process itself.
    7. Completed - Form has completed the Workflow process.
    8. Error - Something went wrong when trying to process the Form and it is stuck in an error state. 
    9. Purged - Form has been purged from the Field2Base system based on the retention period for your company.
  4. Assigned To - You can search by a full or partial username to view all Forms assigned to a User or Group.
  5. Associated Folder
  6. Form Template Name - If you select a Form with any Region Filters, you will have those additional filters available so you can filter by the values for those Regions. See the article on Region Filters for details on how to add Region Filters to a Form.
  7. Last Modified By
  8. Visible By - You can search by a full or partial username to view all Forms accessible to a User whether it is assigned to that User only or to a Group they belong to.
  9. Show Forms Assigned to the On Hold User - The OnHoldUser is used in some Custom Workflows. Forms assigned to this User can be filtered out by selecting "No".

Accessing a Specific Form in Workflow

You have the ability to open a specific Form in Workflow. If the Form has an "Under Review" status, you can edit and take action on the Form in the same way that a Workflow Reviewer would interact with the Form in their Workflow Queue. If the Form is in any other state, you can view it but cannot alter it in any way. 

Click on the underlined Ref Num to open the desired Form.

Adding Custom Notes

You can add notes to the Workflow History for any Forms that are "Under Review" or "Pending Tablet Edit". For example, you could record why you sent a Form back to a specific User . These notes will be saved as part of the Workflow History as "Note Added" events.

Downloading a PDF

When you access a specific Form in Workflow, you can click on the PDF button to download a PDF of the current iteration of the Form in Workflow

Viewing Workflow History

When you access a specific Form in Workflow, you will be able to view the Workflow History. The Workflow History provides a detailed record of any action taken during the Workflow process including any emails sent from Workflow and specific edits made to Form data. The Workflow History is very helpful for troubleshooting Workflow errors or for auditing purposes.
You can view the Workflow History by clicking on the History button.

You can filter the Workflow History by specific types of events by clicking on the Event Filter button. You can also generate a printable view of the Workflow History by clicking on the Print History button.

Regions Edited

You can view the details for any Regions that were edited during Workflow Review by clicking on the Details button. This will open the Regions Edited details below. These can be sorted by Tab Index by default or by Region Name (A-Z). Tab Index can be set as part of Form Design. Please refer to the article on Creating Regions for more details on how to set the Tab Index.  You can download these details by clicking on the Excel or CSV buttons.

Available Actions for Forms in Workflow

The following actions can be applied to either a single or multiple Forms by checking the checkbox next to the Forms.

A. E-Mail Form

You have the ability to send emails with a PDF attachment of the current iteration of the selected Forms to multiple Users and/or Emails.
1. Click on the E-Mail Form button.
2. Add the recipients you wish to send the emails to. You can select from a drop-down of Users or enter any email address.
3. Type in a Custom Subject for your email if desired. If you do not enter a custom subject, the email subject will be the Form Subject (Form Name and Title) and REF#.

4. Click on the Send Emails button.

B. Re-assign Form

You have the ability to re-assign the selected Forms to a different Group or User. For example, if a Form is currently assigned to a User's device (Pending Tablet Edit) but you need to assign it different User's device or if a Form is in the Workflow Queue (Under Review) for a specific User but you want to assign it to a Group or different User so that it will can reviewed more quickly.
1. Click on the Re-assign Owner button.
2. Optional - Check the Send E-Mail Notification to New Owner(s) checkbox if you want to send a notification email to the user(s) that you are reassigning the Form to.
3. Click the Assign button next to the User or Group that you wish to reassign the Form(s) to. You can filter your list by name and/or by type (User or Group).

C. Resume Form

You have the ability to resume the Workflow process for a Form that has been Cancelled or is in an Error state. This will resume the Workflow if it was stopped during an Under Review or Pending Edit state. There are limited circumstances when resuming a Workflow will be allowed. Resuming a workflow in an Error state will only work if whatever issue caused the error has been resolved before resuming.
Note: You should only resume a Workflow if you are familiar with the steps in the Workflow and know which step the Form was stopped at in the Workflow process.

D. Restart Form

You have the ability to restart the entire Workflow process for a Form. The Form will enter Workflow from the first step. Any workflow logic will be applied to the current iteration of the Form. Restarting a Workflow will not erase any edits or changes already made to the Form.
Note: The ability the restart Forms in workflow is not available to on all accounts. 
Note: If a new Workflow Definition has been published since a Form was submitted, restarting the Form in Workflow will not apply the new Workflow definition. Once a Form is submitted into Workflow, the same Workflow Definition stays with that Form.

E. Cancel Form

You have the ability to stop the Workflow process for one or more Form(s). If you cancel a Form that is Pending Tablet Edit, the Form will be removed from the User's device. If you cancel a Form that is Under Review, the Form will be removed from Workflow Queue. 
Note: If you cancel a Form before the "Release for Integration" step has been reached in Workflow, the Form data will not be released for Integration. If you cancel a Form after it has been released for integration, the Form data has already been released and will not be deleted from your records.
A company setting can be added to auto-cancel any pending forms after a set amount of inactivity. This time period can be added for all forms in your company (check Enable Auto-Cancel of Pending Forms in Workflow in Admin>Company Profile > System Settings) or can be customized per form (Admin>Form Templates>Select an Action> Edit Workflow Auto-Cancel Setting). Once you set a time period, all pending Forms in Workflow past that period will be cancelled.
Note: The per form setting will only be shown if the company-wide Auto-Cancel has been enabled. 


User or Group not found

This is one of the most common errors in Workflow and is caused by trying to assign a Form to a User or a Group that does not exist. For example, a User leaves the Company or a Group is renamed. The quickest way to resolve this error is to add the User or Group and resume or restart the workflow. 
Note: Each Workflow can now be assigned a default Group or default User to prevent errors in these situations.  If a User or Group cannot be found, the Form will be automatically assigned to the default User or Group.  Workflow Administrators have the ability to update the Default Assignment for a Workflow. Please refer to the article on Workflow Definitions for details.

Workflow Email Was Not Received

It can be hard to track down email issues but you can use the Workflow History (see section above) to view which emails were sent to specific email addresses at each step during the Workflow process. This can help you determine if the emails were sent from Workflow at all and if so, exactly when and where they were sent to.

Workflow Assigned to a Group Unintentionally Assigned to a User in the Group

If a Form is assigned to a Group and one of the Users in that Group opens the Form, makes an edit to it then backs out without clicking on "Discard Changes", the Form will get assigned to that User. If you wish to assign it back to the original Group, you should use the Re-Assign Owner functionality as described in the above section B. Re-assign Owner.

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