Field2Base Users with the Mobile Forms Administrator role can manage Personnel Details for their Users. Personnel Details can then be used in Forms (only available in version 7.0 and higher) instead of using Form Data Files. If available for your company, Personnel Details are visible and editable as part of the User Profile.
Note: Personnel Details are an additional feature that can be enabled on a per company basis. Please contact your Account Manager if you have questions or would like to enable Personnel Details for your company.
Adding or Editing Personnel Details
1. Navigate to Admin > Users.
2. Click on Edit for the User that you wish to edit Personnel Details for.
3. You can edit any of the details in the Personnel Details section at the bottom of the User Profile page. All Personnel Details for a User are optional.
A. Personnel ID - any value can be entered.
There is a setting available in Company Profile > System Settings which will prevent using duplicate Personnel ID. This setting is disabled by default but you can refer to the System Settings section of the Company Profile article for more information on how to enable it. B. Personnel Type - any value can be entered.
C. Job Title - any value can be entered.
D. Default Location - The drop down will list all Locations available for your Company. See the article on
Managing Locations for more information on how to set up and use Locations.
E. Default Group - The drop down will list all Groups available for your Company. See the article on
Managing Groups for more information on how to set up and use Groups.