Added a new Region.hasCoordinates() script call that returns a Boolean of whether or not a GPS Region currently has coordinates as its value to the Scripting Engine and Preview Mode in Forms Designer.
Added a new script call View.focusRegion(string) where the string is in the format of "PageX@RegionY" to the Script Engine and Preview Mode that will automatically take the User to a particular Region in Forms Designer.
Added the ability to get and dynamically set a Region's Font Properties which include the Font's Color, Font Name, Font Size, and Font Styles (Bold, Italic, and Underline) to the Scripting Engine and Preview Mode in Forms Designer. The new script calls are as follows: Font Color - Region.getFontColor() and Region.setFontColor(string), Font Name - Region.getFontName() and Region.setFontName(string), Font Size - Region.getFontSize() and Region.setFontSize(integer), Font Style Bold - Region.getFontBold() and Region.setFontBold(boolean), Font Style Italic - Region.getFontItalic() and Region.setFontItalic(boolean), Font Style Underline - Region.getFontUnderline() and Region.setFontUnderline(boolean)
Added a new companyID property to the Field2Base.getUser() script call that returns the Company ID as an integer and added a new Field2Base.getCompany() script call that returns an object that contains the Company ID and Company Name to the Scripting Engine and Preview Mode in Forms Designer.
Started the creation of a new UI theme in Forms Designer using the DevExpress WinForms third-party licensed libraries.
Continued the development on the new UI theme in Forms Designer using the DevExpress WinForms third-party licensed libraries.
Updated the Insert Region and Button UI to be in the ribbon regardless of the Tab selected in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Implement New Windows WPF Form Viewer for Use with Forms Designer
Incorporated the new Windows Form Viewer to be used when Preview Mode is selected when testing Form Templates in Forms Designer.
Move the Page Properties to Be a Button in the Forms Properties Tab in Forms Designer (SB-3649)
Moved the Page Properties to be a proper Button in the ribbon on the Form Properties tab in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Updated Forms Designer to save and retain Preview Mode Settings over multiple sessions instead of having to update the Preview Mode Settings each session the application is opened.
Updated the Delete and Resize buttons that appear inside each Region to start at a smaller size and scale better for smaller sized Regions in the Design View in Forms Designer. Additionally, an Enlarge option has been added to the right-click context menu if the Resize button is not visible and the User wants to changes the Region's size if it's not visible.
Moved the ability to enable Scripting Dependencies from being based on the build type and made it a new setting called "Enable the Scripting Dependencies tab in Region Properties" in the File > Options window in Forms Designer.
Updated the document conversion process for PDFs and Microsoft files to save the converted files in a temporary folder when adding or replacing Page Backgrounds in Forms Designer and dispose of these files when the User leaves the application. Additionally, added a Load a new file option to the Page selection pop-up window when replacing Page Backgrounds in Forms Designer.
Updated the colors of Region Types in the Design View to make it easier to delineate between different categories of Regions in Forms Designer. All Text-based Regions will remain the same blue color, Checkbox Regions will now be pink, Datasource Regions will remain the same green color, Pen Regions will now be turquoise, all Auto-Populated Regions will now be a light yellow, and all Media-based Regions will now be orchid.
Updated the Script Engine in Preview Mode in Forms Designer to support the Draft.getIsNew() and Draft.getOpenMode() calls that work in Apps but not previously in Forms Designer. Additionally, these can be configured to be different than the default in the Preview Mode Settings.
Updated the Display Rectangle to be selected which highlights it in blue which allows the Rectangle to be moved around with arrow keys on the keyboard in the Preview UI in the Display tab in the Region Properties window in Forms Designer.
Added an Expand button (left arrow icon centered horizontally) if the side window is collapsed during Preview Mode in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Added Name and Last Modified headers to the Open Form Template screen and added a Clear Recent option accessible through a right-click context menu in the Recents section of the Open Form Template screen in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Increased the maximum zoom level to be up to 500% now instead of being restricted to 175% when designing Forms in the Normal View in Forms Designer.
Added appropriate messages in pop-up windows when the new Field2Base.openAttachmentsMenu() and Field2Base.attachFile() script calls are made to Forms Designer Preview Mode because this application does not support attaching files.
Added the ability to see what Attachments are in a Form Draft using the Field2Base.getAttachments() script call that was implemented in Forms Designer Preview Mode that returns an array of objects that have the filename property (i.e. [{filename:"photo.jpg"},{filename:"doc.pdf"}]. Additionally, a new Field2Base.getAttachments() option has been added to the Preview Settings in Designer to allow various testing scenarios.
Updated the Form_Validating Event to now catch Script call exceptions and record them to the Validation Log in the Forms Designer Preview Mode to prevent validation from failing silently and not stopping the Send Form process due a validation failure.
Added the ability to right click and erase Region Values for Datasource Regions with the "Allow users to enter new values" setting enabled while in Preview Mode in Forms Designer 7.5.
Implement the Time Picker for Date/Time Regions during Preview Mode in the New Designer UI (SB-3878)
Implemented the Time picker for Date/Time Regions when testing Form Templates in Preview Mode in the new Forms Designer UI.
Updated the Region selection and re-sizing to now use a more friendly UI when creating and editing Regions in Design Mode in the new Forms Designer UI.
Added the ability to zoom in and out while testing Forms in Preview Mode in the new Forms Designer UI. Additionally, three new zoom options (Fit Page, Fit Width, and ) were added next to the Page Navigation drop-down in the UI for both Design Mode and Preview Mode in the new Forms Designer UI.
Updated the Form PDF to Image Background conversion process (which also includes all Microsoft supported document types) to no longer use a separate installation of software (i.e. Ghostscript) in Forms Designer and instead incorporate third-party libraries embedded in our installation.
Added a Save button to the Add New Value field in Datasource Regions with the Allow Users to Save New Values property enabled during Preview Mode in the Forms Designer UI.
Added a header bar to the Date/Time Region picker and the Pen Region Full Screen pop-up window to allow Designers the ability to move the interfaces around during Preview Mode in the new Forms Designer UI.
Added a new Form_Reloaded() Script Event to the Script Engine in Forms Designer and Forms Designer Preview Mode that gets triggered whenever an existing Draft is loaded into the Form Viewer for filling out. Additionally, a new Reload action has been added to the options while in Preview Mode to simulate reloading a Draft.
Bug Fixes
Investigate and Fix the Insert UI Being Disabled after Using Page Sorter and Preview Mode in Forms Designer 7.5 (SB-3655)
Fixed an issue with the Insert Region / Button UI becoming disabled if the User starts Preview Mode while in the Page Sorter View in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Investigate and Fix Not Able to See Region Properties if a Region on Another Page Is Selected in the New Forms Designer UI (SB-3702)
Fixed an issue with the multi-selected Region pop-up window appearing when you attempt to view Region Properties after having previously selected a Region on another Page in the Design View in the new Forms Designer UI.
Investigate and Fix Region Center Alignment Issues for Text-Based Regions in Preview Mode in the New UI of Forms Designer (SB-3706)
Fixed issues with some of the alignments (Horizontal Left / Vertical Center, Horizontal Right / Vertical Center, Horizontal Center / Vertical Bottom) not working correctly for Text-based Regions in Preview Mode in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Refresh the Page Drop-Down List after Changing the Current Page Name in the New UI of Forms Designer (SB-3710)
Updated the Page navigation drop-down list's UI to automatically refresh after the current Page Name has been changed in the new UI of Forms Designer.
Fixed an issue with the Forms Designer crashing if the Validate or the Validate and Send buttons are pressed in Preview Mode and any of the required Regions had not been filled out.
Fixed issues with the new Region sizing and scaling UI that were causing exceptions or crashes when attempting to removing Regions from the Page, when changing the Region Type, and when clicking on Hidden Regions during Design Mode in the new Forms Designer UI.