Forms Designer User Guides
How to Generate a Barcode
You can populate a barcode in a text or label region using the 3 of 9 Barcode font. You will need to install the font in Windows if you want to use it in Forms Designer. The 3 of 9 font TTF file and a sample form are attached here.
Editing a Form ID
Overview The Form Template ID is the globally unique ID that Field2Base uses to identify a specific Form Template. It is used to apply versioning, Workflows, E-mail Templates and Folders to a Form. You may want to edit the Form ID in some cases. For ...
Valid Date/Time Formats for All Mobile Forms Platforms
M/d/yyyy M/d/yy M/d/yyyy h:m:s tt M/d/yy h:m:s tt M/d/yyyy H:m:s M/d/yy H:m:s h:m:s tt H:m:s h:m:s tt M/d/yyyy h:m:s tt M/d/yy H:m:s M/d/yyyy H:m:s M/d/yy MMMM d, yyyy yyyy-MM-dd yyyyMMdd H:m:sZ H:m:s.fZ H:m:s.ffZ H:m:s.fffZ H:m:s.ffffZ H:m:s.fffffZ ...
Forms Designer Quick Start Guide
Overview Field2Base Forms Designer is the proprietary software application that allows your existing paper forms to be quickly converted to a smart E-form available to your end users via our mobile and web-based Mobile Forms applications. This ...
Creating Regions
Overview This article is intended for Form Designers who have already installed Forms Designer and started a new Form Template. You can refer to the Forms Designer Quick Start Guide if you have questions about how to start a new, edit or publish a ...
Region Types
Overview There are various types of Regions that allow you (the Form Designer) to customize each Region to allow a specific type of entry when used in the Mobile Forms app. Each Region type has unique properties and is designed to accept a certain ...
Unique ID Regions
Overview You can use a Unique ID Region to populate sequential identifiers, such as an invoice number or serial number. Before you can use a Unique ID Region in your Form, you must create a Unique ID counter in the Field2Base Portal. The Unique ID ...
SQL Datasource Regions
Overview This article describes how to set up a SQL Datasource Region in Forms Designer. A SQL Datasource allows you to pull data from external Form Data Files into your Form. This is a convenient option when you need to make updates on a regular ...
Creating Buttons
Overview Buttons can be used to navigate between pages of the Form, show embedded images, link to a web page or kick off a function in your custom Form script. This article describes how to add buttons to your Forms. Tutorial Video A tutorial video ...
Replacing a Form Background
Overview The purpose of this article is to guide you through changing the background image for a page of a Form using Forms Designer. Downloading the Current Form Hint: We recommend always downloading the Form from the Portal to make sure you are ...
Cloning a Form
Overview There are situations where you may want to publish the same Form twice for use with two different groups of Users. For example, if you don't want the two groups to be able to see each others versions of essentially the same Form or if you ...