Mobile Forms Android 7.6 Beta Release Notes
Our release notes offer brief descriptions of the bug fixes included in the 7.6 release of our Mobile Forms Android App.
Please contact our
Support Team with any questions or feedback about any of these updates.
Released in the Build - Available on 3/3/2025
Product Enhancements
Add the Ability to Switch Companies without Requiring App Re-Installs to the Android App (SB-3854)
Added the ability to switch between Companies in the same App installation in the Android App if the User belongs to more than one Company. Each Activation does consume a License if done across multiple Companies and Activation Limits do apply.
Update the UI to Handle Company Switching without Requiring Re-Installs in the Android App (SB-3865)
Updated the UI to support switching between multiple Companies if a User is setup on more than one Company in the Android App. If the User belongs to multiple Companies and they log out and back in, they will be required to choose which Company to use.
Bug Fixes
Investigate and Fix the Keyboard Missing in the Time Tab for Date/Time Regions in the Android App (SB-3875)
Fixed an issue with the keyboard not appearing after tapping on the keyboard icon in the Time picker for Date/Time Regions when filling out Forms in the Android App.
Investigate and Fix the Context Menu Drop-Downs UI Issues when in Light Mode in the Android 7.5.3 App (SB-3928)
Fixed an issue with the context menu (three ellipsis icon) in the Sent Form Viewer not having any background and changed the color of the context menu to white (instead of gray) when Light Mode is enabled in the Android 7.5.3 App.
Fix the Settings Text Label in the Main Menu when Light Mode Is Enabled in the Android App (SB-3967)
Fixed an issue with the Settings section's label in the Main Menu not being displayed on the same line when Light mode is enabled in the Android App.
Released in the Build - Available on 1/28/2025
Product Enhancements
Add Warning when Opening Saved Drafts that Are Cancelled, Edited, or Completed Work Orders in the Android App (SB-2730)
Updated the Android App to display a pop-up warning to prompt with Discard and Continue options when opening a Saved Draft that has a Work Order ID associated with it but that Work Order is no longer available (i.e. canceled, re-assigned, edited) to the currently logged in User.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with the green header in the Form Viewer not appearing when filling out Forms in the Android 7.5.2 App.
Investigate and Fix the Android Build Not Sync'ing or Activating for Upgrades and Clean Installs (SB-3817)
Fixed an issue with sync'ing and activating no longer working correctly with the Android 7.5.2 build.
Investigate and Fix Sync'ing Issues with New Builds Using F2B Data Service Authenticated Calls in the Android App (SB-3891)
Fixed an issue with sync'ing no longer working correctly after upgrading from the Android 7.5.1 or Android 7.5.2 builds.
Released in the Build - Available on 11/8/2024
Product Enhancements
Add a New Authentication Header to F2B Data Service Calls in the Android App (SB-3053)
Added an additional Authorization header to all F2BDataService calls made in the Android App to the Mobile Forms Servers to ensure a more secure identity in the system.
Increased the spacing between the Send and Delete buttons in the context menu in the Form Viewer screen in the Android App.
Updated the Form_Validating Event to now catch Script call exceptions and record them to the Validation Log in the Android App to prevent validation from failing silently and not stopping the Send Form process due a validation failure.
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