Mobile Forms Android 7.2 Release Notes
This document details the 7.2 release of our Mobile Forms application for Android Devices. The version number shown in the app is 7.2 in the Portal and 7.2.5 in the App's Settings > About Mobile Forms Section.
Product Enhancements
- Update the Status Text when Sending Forms in the Sent Forms Section of the Android App [SB-3115]
Changed the status text to "Sent" when a Form gets uploaded and sent to the server in the Android App.
- Research and Enable the Managed Google Play Advanced Setting in the Play Store Console for Android App Distribution [SB-3127]
Created a new version of the Android App identified as the Mobile Forms Enterprise App in the Google Play Store and enabled the Advanced Setting for the Managed Play Store on 3/29/2023 to allow use with MDMs that require using the Managed Play Store for App distribution.
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix Region and Button Text Underline Font Style Not Working in the Android 7 App [SB-3154]
Fixed issues with the Underline font style not displaying in the text when set in the Region and Button's design in Form Templates in the Android 7 App.
- Investigate and Fix the Kiosk Mode Sent Form Confirmation Message Not Displaying in the Android 7 App [SB-3167]
Fixed issues with the Sent Form Confirmation pop-up window not appearing when Kiosk Mode is enabled in the Android 7 App.
- Investigate and Fix the Synchronize Option Being Shown when Form Draft Sync'ing is Not Enabled in the Android 7.2.3 App [SB-3170]
Fixed an issue with the Synchronize option still being available even when the Form Draft Sync'ing Configuration is not enabled for the User in the Android 7.2.3 App.
Released in the 7.2.1 - 7.2.3 Builds (3/28/2023-4/12/2023)
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix the Keyboard's Next Button Not Working for Numeric Regions in the Android 7.2.0 App [SB-3139]
Fixed an issue with the Next button option not working for Numeric Regions when the Enable Done Button Config is disabled when filling out Forms in the Android App.
- Change the Text and Background Style in the Region Instructions Pop-Up Window in the New Android App UI [SB-3141]
Changed the font text and the background colors for the Region Instructions pop-up window to be readable in both Light and Dark Modes when using the new Android App UI.
- Investigate and Fix Ink in Pen Regions Not Being Displayed in Drafts, Sent Forms, and in Resulting Workflow Work Orders in the Android 7.2.0 App [SB-3143]
Fixed an issue with Inking in Full Screen Pen Regions not being displayed when Forms are viewed in Saved Drafts, Sent Forms, or Work Orders in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Loading Large Sets of Mapped SQL Datasource Regions in the Android App [SB-3147]
Fixed performance issues with loading large numbers of Mapped SQL Datasource Regions when filling out Forms in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Issues with Kiosk Mode Profile Not Working Correctly in the Android 7 App [SB-3152]
Fixed issues with loading Kiosk Mode Profiles causing crashes, issues with displaying Inactivity warnings, and being able to disable Kiosk Mode after its been enabled in the Android 7 App.
Released in the 7.2.0 Builds (3/2/2023-3/14/2023)
Product Enhancements
- Implement the Workflow Claimed Property in the Search Sent Forms Result in the Android App [SB-2941]
Implemented the Workflow Claimed property that gets returned in the result set when searching for Sent Forms using scripting in the Android App.
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix Crashes when Viewing Sent Forms Originating from the iOS App in the Android App [SB-3091]
Fixed an issue with the Android App crashing when attempting to view Sent Forms that originated from the iOS App and replicated to the Android App. There are still issues loading the Sent Form into the Form Viewer but crashes no longer occur.
- Investigate and Fix the Set Work Order Sort Order Config Not Working Correctly in the Android 7.1.4 App [SB-3093]
Fixed the default sort in the My Work section and fixed issues with the Set Work Order Sort Configuration not being applied correctly in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Issues with the Datasource Region Drop-Downs when Search Enabled in Light Mode in the Android 7.1.6 App [SB-3098]
Fixed the drop-down list UI for Datasource Regions with the Search option enabled while using Light Mode in the new UI of the Android App.
Released in the 7.1.6 Builds (2/22/2023)
Product Enhancements
- Increase the Font Size of the Buttons when Saving Drawings in the Android App [SB-3063]
Increased the font size of all buttons associated with the new Drawing UI (Save Drawing, Size, and Delete pop-up windows) to make it more readable in the Android App.
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix Not Being Able to Save Drawings due to a Work Profile Error in the Android App [SB-3064]
Fixed an issue with saving Drawings in Camera Regions after the ability for Work Profiles were enabled in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix the Datasource Region Drop-Down Display Issues when Light Mode is Enabled in the Android 7.1.5 App [SB-3092]
Fixed an issue with being unable to see the Datasource Region drop-down options when the Search option is enabled and Light Mode is enabled in the new UI of the Android App.
Released in the 7.1.5 Builds (2/3/2023)
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix Issues with Validation List Not Displaying Errors when Sending Forms in the Android App [SB-3029]
Fixed an issue with the errors shown in the Validating Log not being displayed correctly when attempting to send a Form in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Issues with Using the Close Draft Script after Claiming a Form in Workflow in the Android App [SB-3031]
Fixed an issue with using the Close Draft script call not exiting the Form Draft after claiming a Form in Workflow in the Android App.
Released in the 7.1.4 Builds (12/21/2022)
Product Enhancements
- Update the Address Book to Support Dark and Light Modes in the New UI of the Android App [SB-2950]
Updated the Address Book to support Light and Dark Modes in the new UI of the Android App.
Bug Fixes
- Investigate and Fix Allowing Users to Be on a Phone Call and Fill Out Forms in the Android 7 App [SB-2964]
Fixed issues with not allowing Users to take phone calls and simultaneously use the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Errors with Saving Photos in Camera and Document Scan Regions when Work Profiles are Enabled in the Android 7.1.3 App [SB-3016]
Fixed issues with saving photos and images in Camera and Document Scan Regions when Work Profiles are enabled in the Android App.
- Investigate and Fix Errors with Using Navigation Directions and Capturing Coordinates in GPS Regions when Work Profiles are Enabled in the Android 7.1.3 App [SB-3019]
Fixed issues with using Navigation Directions for Work Orders with addresses and capturing coordinates in GPS Regions when Work Profiles are enabled in the Android App.
Released in the 7.1.3 Builds (11/21/2022)
Product Enhancements
- Implement Work Profiles in the Android App [SB-2945]
Implemented Work Profiles in the Android App to allow the App to be installed with Personal or Work Profiles.
- Add the Ability to Search the Optional Recipients List in the Mobile Forms Android App [SB-2957]
Added a Search bar to the Optional Recipients screen to filter Recipients when sending Forms in the Android App.
- Add Photo Options to the New Camera View for Camera Regions in the New UI of the Android App [SB-2962]
Added the built-in device's photo options (like flash, zoom, etc.) to the Camera View when taking photos in Camera Regions in the New UI of the Android App.
Bug Fixes
- Investigate the Purging Process Not Deleting Completed Work Orders in the Android App [SB-2963]
Investigation Complete. Completed Work Orders were properly being deleted so no further action was required.
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