Several sample Forms are loaded into each new customer's account to be used to explore various features of Mobile Forms. These sample forms can also be customized for your own use as needed..
1. Download the Sample Expense Report Form Template from the Portal (Admin > Form Templates). The eForm files are also attached to this article for your convenience.
2. Open the Sample Expense Report eForm in Forms Designer.
If you do not have Forms Designer installed, here is a link to the
Forms Designer Install Guide.
3. Rename the form by opening Form Properties and changing the Form Name to your desired form name.
4. Click on Export to export the page background as an image. Edit the background using any image editing software to insert your logo. Save your updated background image.
5. Click on
then choose
"Use Image File"
to replace the form background with your updated image.
6. Remove any buttons with extra Mobile Forms feature information by right-clicking on the button and choosing "Delete".
Note: The only extra information button on the Expense Report is "Workflow Example".
7. Save your updated eForm.
8. Upload your updated Form to the Portal (Admin > Form Templates) to replace the Expense Report Form with your changes.
If you wish to make further updates to the Expense Report form, please read the
Forms Designer Quick Start Guide for details on how to use the Forms Designer software.