This article describes the software version and compatibility requirements, including prerequisites, for all Field2Base products.
Desktop Apps
Field2Base desktop apps include Forms Designer, the Data Integration Module (DIM), the Enterprise Dispatch Module (EDM), and the Data Upload Utility (DUU).
Windows 7 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher are required for all our desktop applications.
Field2Base Portal
| | |
Windows® 7 or higher and Mac OS X 10.9+
| Windows® 7 or higher
| Windows® 7 or higher and Mac OS X 10.9+
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the impacts for not upgrading Mobile Forms App?
Not upgrading the Mobile Forms App means that any bug fixes or features added are not available in the App. Additionally, from a Support perspective, we provide support on the latest version of our App so if you're using a previous version, one of the first steps is to upgrade to the latest version.
What are the impacts for not upgrading Forms Designer?
Not upgrading Forms Designer results in not having access to new features. As with the Mobile Forms App, we support the latest version of Forms Designer.
If you upgrade a Form Template to version eForm version 7.0 or newer, what is the relationship requirements between Mobile Forms, Forms Designer, and Integration Suite products?
Upgrading to the eForm version 7.0 allows the end user to take advantage of the latest improvements to the Mobile Forms experience. Forms published in prior versions will continue to function as expected. Integration Suite products (DIM, DUU, EDM) will continue to function as expected. If new Form Templates are published using Forms Designer 7 that take advantage of the newer features, then Mobile Forms App version 7.0 or newer is required, and Customers using the DIM and EDM must upgrade to version 7 to load the Form Templates into the Designer tool.
Do you recommend specific hardware to run Mobile Forms?
Field2Base does not recommend specific hardware for running our applications. However, there are minimum recommended operating systems that must be supported by the chosen device.