Devices REST API

Devices REST API


The Devices REST API services allows you to get device information and  manage devices for your company.

Base URL

Header (Required)
Authorization: Basic {CompanyID}:{Username}:{Password}:{API Sync Key}
Content-Type: application/json
Note: Authorization Header above is the same as all other Mobile Forms REST API calls. 
Note: API Developers can use OAuth 2.0 Authentication instead of the Basic Authentication. The OAuth 2.0 Authentication uses the Client Credentials Grant Type and requires the Company have a Client ID and a Client Secret generated in the Mobile Forms Portal to make web service calls to the REST API Endpoints. You can contact the Professional Services team at to implement OAuth 2.0 Authentication.

Supported Operations

Append to the Base URL:
  1. GET devices/
    1. Lists of all Devices
  2. GET devices/{activation id}
    1. Get Details of a single Device
  3. GET devices/lookup/{username}
    1. Get all Activated Devices assigned to a User (by Username)
    2. Optional parameter for Activation Status: devices/lookup/{username}/{ActivationStatus}
      1. AllDevices
      2. Activated
      3. ActiveDevices
      4. Deadened
      5. InProvisioning
      6. Ready
  4. POST devices/create
    1. Create a new Device using the Body of a post request as JSON
  5. PUT devices/update/{activation id}
    1. Update a Device using the Activation ID and the Body of a post request as JSON
  6. PUT devices/changeuser/{activation id}/{username}
    1. Change the Device's Assigned User (by Username)
  7. PUT devices/reset/{activation id}
    1. Reset the history for a Device to allow re-activation
  8. DEL devices/delete/{activation id}
    1. Deletes an existing Device

Note: Be sure to add "/" at the end of the call if there is a period in the Username. 

API Samples

Get All Devices (devices)

Request: GET
  1. [
  2.     {
  3.         "TabletUUID": "473a005d-145f-423c-8b43-6e66779f9ced",
  4.         "Serial": "F2BPS-3186-332",
  5.         "FriendlyName": "F2BPS332",
  6.         "CompanyID": 3186,
  7.         "PrimaryUser": "38f1b9ab-2036-4e3c-8bb9-435ef1c3e91e",
  8.         "InsertDT": "2023-09-27T08:24:49.223",
  9.         "LastUpdate": "2023-09-27T08:24:59.853",
  10.         "RowStatus": "A",
  11.         "DevicePlatform": "Android",
  12.         "DeviceType": "samsung SM-X200",
  13.         "HardwareSerial": null,
  14.         "AssetTag": null,
  15.         "DeviceMake": "samsung",
  16.         "DeviceModel": "SM-X200",
  17.         "PlatformType": "TIRAMISU 13",
  18.         "ActivationStatus": 2,
  19.         "BillingReference": null,
  20.         "LastSync": "2023-09-27T10:16:25.213",
  21.         "LastContact": "2023-09-27T10:16:25.213",
  22.         "Version": "7.2.16"
  23.     },
  24.     {
  25.         "TabletUUID": "3fee3c50-a556-4a0c-8c72-dd0a8742b427",
  26.         "Serial": "F2BPS-3186-331",
  27.         "FriendlyName": "F2BPS331",
  28.         "CompanyID": 3186,
  29.         "PrimaryUser": "38f1b9ab-2036-4e3c-8bb9-435ef1c3e91e",
  30.         "InsertDT": "2023-09-25T09:52:55.417",
  31.         "LastUpdate": "2023-09-25T10:01:37.737",
  32.         "RowStatus": "A",
  33.         "DevicePlatform": "Apple",
  34.         "DeviceType": "Apple 9.7-inch iPad (Wi-Fi)",
  35.         "HardwareSerial": "iPad",
  36.         "AssetTag": null,
  37.         "DeviceMake": "Apple",
  38.         "DeviceModel": "9.7-inch iPad (Wi-Fi)",
  39.         "PlatformType": "Apple iOS 16.6.1",
  40.         "ActivationStatus": 2,
  41.         "BillingReference": null,
  42.         "LastSync": "2023-09-25T10:17:21.6",
  43.         "LastContact": "2023-09-25T10:17:21.6",
  44.         "Version": "7.2.8"
  45.     }
  46. ]

Get Details of a Single Device

Request: GET
Response: 200 OK
  1. {   
  2.     "TabletUUID": "423a005d-145f-423c-8b43-6e66779f9ced",
  3.     "Serial": "F2BPS-3186-332",
  4.     "FriendlyName": "F2BPS332",
  5.     "CompanyID": 3186,
  6.     "PrimaryUser": "34f1b9ab-2036-4e3c-8bb9-435ef1c3e91e",
  7.     "InsertDT": "2023-09-27T08:24:49.223",
  8.     "LastUpdate": "2023-09-27T08:24:59.853",
  9.     "RowStatus": "A",
  10.     "DevicePlatform": "Android",
  11.     "DeviceType": "samsung SM-X200",
  12.     "HardwareSerial": null,
  13.     "AssetTag": null,
  14.     "DeviceMake": "samsung",
  15.     "DeviceModel": "SM-X200",
  16.     "PlatformType": "TIRAMISU 13",
  17.     "ActivationStatus": 2,
  18.     "BillingReference": null,
  19.     "LastSync": "2023-09-27T10:16:25.213",
  20.     "LastContact": "2023-09-27T10:16:25.213",
  21.     "Version": "7.2.16"
  22. }

Look Up Device(s) by User 

Request: GET

Response: 200 OK

  1.     {
  2.         "TabletUUID": "6066baf9-438f-42ac-9342-323ffa9ebec5",
  3.         "Serial": "F2BPS-3136-327",
  4.         "FriendlyName": "F2BPS327",
  5.         "CompanyID": 3136,
  6.         "PrimaryUser": "2f4a70a1-03fb-4928-8249-55381808ad0e",
  7.         "InsertDT": "2023-08-30T11:04:27.617",
  8.         "LastUpdate": "2023-08-30T12:56:58.86",
  9.         "RowStatus": "A",
  10.         "DevicePlatform": "Apple",
  11.         "DeviceType": "Apple iPad 10.2-Inch 7th Gen (Wi-Fi Only)",
  12.         "HardwareSerial": "iPad",
  13.         "AssetTag": null,
  14.         "DeviceMake": "Apple",
  15.         "DeviceModel": "iPad 10.2-Inch 7th Gen (Wi-Fi Only)",
  16.         "PlatformType": "Apple iOS 16.6",
  17.         "ActivationStatus": 2,
  18.         "BillingReference": null,
  19.         "LastSync": "2023-09-25T17:38:03.163",
  20.         "LastContact": "2023-09-25T17:38:03.16",
  21.         "Version": "7304"
  22.     },
  23.     {
  24.         "TabletUUID": "1156ddbf-4097-4b6a-820e-985f87901b52",
  25.         "Serial": "F2BPS-3136-324",
  26.         "FriendlyName": "F2BPS324",
  27.         "CompanyID": 3136,
  28.         "PrimaryUser": "2f4a70a1-03fb-4928-8249-55381808ad0e",
  29.         "InsertDT": "2023-08-23T13:26:23.293",
  30.         "LastUpdate": "2023-08-23T13:26:47.367",
  31.         "RowStatus": "A",
  32.         "DevicePlatform": "Android",
  33.         "DeviceType": "samsung SM-T500",
  34.         "HardwareSerial": null,
  35.         "AssetTag": null,
  36.         "DeviceMake": "samsung",
  37.         "DeviceModel": "SM-T500",
  38.         "PlatformType": "S 12",
  39.         "ActivationStatus": 2,
  40.         "BillingReference": null,
  41.         "LastSync": "2023-09-26T10:48:41.937",
  42.         "LastContact": "2023-09-26T10:48:41.937",
  43.         "Version": "7.2.16"
  44.     }
  45. ]

Create a Device with No Activation ID 

NOTE: Requires Provisioning by the F2B Support Team and is the recommended method.

Request: POST

  1. {
  2.       "DevicePlatform": "iPad",
  3.       "DeviceMake": "Apple",
  4.       "DeviceModel": "iPad Pro 9.7",
  5.       "DeviceType": "Apple iPad Pro 9.7",
  6.       "HardwareSerial": "123",
  7.       "AssetTag": "F2B",
  8.       "PrimaryUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",      //Must use User Key guid, not Username
  9.       "PlatformType": "Apple iOS",
  10.       "BillingReference": "Small Business",
  11.       "Serial": null
  12. }

Create a Device with an Activation ID

NOTE: Requires a system-wide unique Activation ID to be used in the Serial value in the JSON Body otherwise the request will fail. For this reason, the previous method is recommended.
Request: POST


  1. {
  2.       "DevicePlatform": "Android Tablet",
  3.       "DeviceMake": "Samsung",
  4.       "DeviceModel": "Galaxy Tab S4",
  5.       "DeviceType": "Samsung Galaxy Tab S4",
  6.       "HardwareSerial": "456",
  7.       "AssetTag": "Field2Base",
  8.       "PrimaryUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",      //Must use User Key guid, not Username
  9.       "PlatformType": "Android Oreo",
  10.       "BillingReference": "Enterprise",
  11.       "Serial": "123456789"
  12. }

Change the User Assigned to Device

Request: PUT

Update a Device

Request: PUT
  1.{activation id}
  1. {
  2.       "DevicePlatform": "iPad",
  3.       "DeviceMake": "Apple",
  4.       "DeviceModel": "iPad Air 2",
  5.       "DeviceType": "Apple iPad Air 2",
  6.       "HardwareSerial": "N/A",
  7.       "AssetTag": "Test",
  8.       "PrimaryUser": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  9.       "PlatformType": "Apple iOS 13",
  10.       "BillingReference": "TEST"
  11. }

Reset a Device's Activation History 

Warning: This action is to be used with the Mobile Forms Enterprise App Build only.

Request: PUT

Delete a Device 

Request: DEL

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